Communication and feedback...
This is the second part in my Communication series. In my earlier post, I talked about how communication is not just talking. I also mentioned that the key to communication is making people see and understand your point of view. For a leader to succeed, he / she needs his team to understand his goals and vision. For this, the leader needs to communicate and ensure that his team understands what he / she is trying to say. I had a problem of talking a lot, and also, by default accepting that people understood what I said. It took me a few years, to admit to myself that the default is not so. In the initial days, I felt the problem was with my team, that they did not understand what I said. I had to repeat certain messages several times, work with smaller groups to drive home the point, sometimes even questioning people in meetings to see if they are on the same page. After working with my team for a few months , I was able to get them onto my wavelength. I felt happy and satis...