Empathize, but don't be stupid
Empathize is an oft repeated word when it comes to conversation, especially on leadership traits. It is also misused / abused a lot. I used to hear this word thrown a lot, during several conversations. After a time I got so irritated, that I went to dictionary to find out what it meant. A simple meaning I found was - "to understand and share the feelings of another." My first doubt was why was this used as a leadership quality, isn't it necessary for being human, leave alone a leader?? ( I will leave the larger question for a later day discussion). So, to become a good leader, I understood that I needed to understand the feelings / emotions of my people. This lesson that I learnt, made me a better person more than a better leader. I used to be hard taskmaster when it comes to delivery, miserly on praising people for good work. It was always in the back of my mind, that whatever the team delivered, was something that I had done when I was at that level. Be...